Best Digital Marketing Company in Amritsar

Online marketing also referred to as digital marketing, is the process of promoting brands online in order to connect with potential customers through various forms such as email, social media platforms and web advertisements. It encompasses text-based and multimedia messages which can be utilized as a marketing channel. Simply put: digital marketing encompasses any campaign that uses electronic communication methods.

  1. Inbound / Outbound Marketing
  2. Keyword Research
  3. Digital Marketing Strategy
  4. Online Marketing Tools
  5. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
  6. PPC – Pay per Click or Search Engine Marketing
  7. Email Marketing
  8. SMM- Social Media Marketing
  9. Digital Display Marketing
  10. Mobile Marketing
  11. Website Analytics
  12. Web Automation
  13. Growth Hacking

Inbound/Outbound Marketing– Outbound marketing involves reaching out to prospective customers in order to motivate them to purchase your product. On the other hand, inbound marketing involves creating and sharing content that draws people into your website.

Keyword Research-Keywords, also referred to as search terms, are the words typed into database search boxes. These key concepts of your research topic must be captured here in words that you use everyday in conversation to describe it. Without correct keywords, it may not be possible to locate articles relevant to your search.

Digital Marketing Strategy-Experts define digital strategy as the use of internet resources to reach target customers. A successful digital marketing plan begins by understanding your company’s profit margins. This helps create a marketing plan that is in tune with customer demands and business objectives.

Online Marketing Tools-Marketing tools are instruments used by marketing professionals to promote and create products and services. The term can refer to strategies, techniques, materials as well. Email marketing, targeting, research on the market, collecting data, and advertising are all popular among most companies.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization-Search engine optimization (SEO)  is the practice of increasing website traffic from search engines. Unpaid clicks can come from many sources, such as image, video, academic, news and vertical search engines.

SEO (search engine optimization) is an internet marketing strategy that takes into account search engines and the computer-programmed algorithms which govern them. It also considers what search terms people use, keywords they type into search engines, as well as which one they prefer. Websites ranking higher on SERPs will receive more visitors; these visitors could then be converted into customers.

PPC – Pay per Click or Search Engine Marketing-PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising is an ad model where advertisers place ads on an advertisement platform and pay the platform host when an ad clicks.

The purpose of an advertisement is to direct users to the advertiser’s website or mobile app, where they can take an advantageous action such as purchasing a product.

Search engines are a prime opportunity for advertisers to display ads that are pertinent to users’ searches

Advertising services like Google Ads or Microsoft Ads employ real-time bidding (RTB). This enables advertising inventory to be sold privately via automated auction using actual data.

Email Marketing – Email marketing is the practice of sending commercial messages via postal mail to a group. This could include emails that advertise products or services, solicit business, or ask for donations. Generally, email campaigns aim to accomplish one or more primary objectives: build trust, increase brand awareness, encourage loyalty among current or past customers, boost impulse buying behavior and share third party ads.

SMM- Social Media Marketing-Social media marketing (SMM) is an internet strategy that utilizes social networking apps as a promotional tool. Through these platforms, brands can build a following, boost sales, drive website traffic and more with these social networks.

Digital Display Marketing-Digital display advertising is an online form that enables company promotional messages to appear on third-party websites or search engine result pages, such as publishers and social networks.

Mobile marketing-Mobile marketing is any advertisement that promotes products or services through mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This makes use of advanced mobile technology like location services in order to customize marketing campaigns according to an individual’s location

Website automation-Website automation is a method to automate web activities such as filling out forms, clicking buttons and downloading files by sending them off to software robots. While the internet can make business simpler and faster in many ways, it also tends to take more time with less predictability when something goes awry.

Website AnalyticsWeb analytics is the collection and analysis of website data to identify measures that reflect organizational and user objectives. With this knowledge, websites can be evaluated for success or failure, drive strategy development, and enhance user experience.

Growth Hacking-Growth hacking entails testing out different strategies, analyzing “small” data points, and then iterating. You can share your posts on social media and analyze clickthrough rates to assess whether they are increasing traffic.

Metrics like click-through rates, conversion rate and return of investment (ROI) can be used to gauge the success or failure of digital marketing campaigns. Before launching any campaigns, it's essential to set clear objectives and measure results to see if those objectives have been achieved.


If you don't take notice of your followers, posting about your ecommerce business on social media won't yield any rewards. To learn more, check out our blog Tracking ROI on Social Media for more insight.

Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that involves sharing and creating valuable content to reach and retain a targeted audience. This creates an engaging narrative for viewers to connect with.


Content marketing is focused on creating quality, consistent, and pertinent content that draws in viewers, engages them, and motivates them. Examples of such materials include educational resources, videos, entertainment shows, and articles.Create webinars to address specific customer inquiries.How-to videos could also be created to showcase your products and boost interest in your ecommerce business.Content marketing can enhance brand awareness, sales, reach and engagement with customers while building loyalty among them.

Google Analytics provides invaluable data on who visits your website. This includes which pages are most visited, what page they go to, their path and how often you meet your online objectives. Using this insight you can identify successful content and campaigns, boost conversions and optimize for an improved user experience.

Social media plays a pivotal role in the brand awareness and consideration stages of a sales funnel. Businesses can utilize these platforms to reach their desired audience, then gradually move them along the sales process by providing content and links.Businesses can convert leads into buyers by providing relevant information, connecting with their customers, and offering free trials or special deals.

Businesses can leverage digital marketing to raise brand awareness, share product details, engage with customers and monitor their online reputation. Businesses also have the option of advertising products and offering specials in order to attract buyers. Digital advertising creates a targeted consumer audience while directing that same audience towards sales.

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), there are various tactics you can employ. Some are quick and effortless, while others require significant investment and take days to implement. Just like any other service, the cost of SEO depends on how experienced and intensive the agency you select - from quick wins to long-term commitment.

Robots.txt files inform Google which URLs on your site are allowed and prohibited by search engine

Facebook is a free social networking platform. Users don't need to pay anything in order to create business pages or profiles, but they can market those pages through advertising campaigns. Facebook ads are easy and straightforward to use - they can increase visibility, promote products or help with events.

SEO professionals utilize a variety of tools to select keywords. Google Search Console, Ahrefs and Moz are three popular ones. In some cases, we may make suggestions based on the keywords our clients want to rank for.

Yes! Blogging is an integral part of social media marketing. Posting links to blog posts are one of the best types of content you can share on social media channels, as they give followers plenty of topics to talk about and drive traffic back to your website. So make sure your blog stays active!